Al-Hamdulillaahi ‘alal Islam wa Sunnah
Shaikh Khalid Ar-Raddadee (hafidhahumullaah) remind us to reflect upon Allaah guiding us to Sunnah while many are astray
Shaikh Khalid Ar-Raddadee (hafidhahullaah) said:
Qala ba’du Salaf: La adri ayu ni’mataini ‘alaya a’dhaam, ni’matu an hadani Allaahu ‘azza wa jall min bain al-adyaan jami’ah li din il Islam aw ni’amtu an hadani Allaahu ‘azza wa jall min bayni al-madhaahib wal firaq ila Sunnah. Fahumma ni’matan ‘Adhimataan – ni’matu il Islam wa Sunnah
(Some of the Salaf said: I don’t know which of the two blessings upon me is greater, the blessing that Allaah ‘azza wa jall guided me to Islam from amongst all the religions, or the blessing that Allaah ‘azza wa jall guided me to the Sunnah from amongst all the groups, sects. They are two great blessings: the blessing of Islam and the Sunnah.
Shaikh Ar-Raddadee added that a man came to Imam Ahmad (rahimahullaah) and said: Al-Hamdulillaahi ‘alal Islam (All Praise is for Allaah, for Islam). Imam Ahmad said: Bal Qul Al-Hamdulillaahi ‘alal Islam wa Sunnah (Rather say, All Praise is for Allaah, for Islam and the Sunnah.)
Taken from: http://abdurrahmanorg.wordpress.com
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