

Sunday, 28 February 2010

The Believer Striking a Balance Between Excessive Socialising and Total Isolation

The Believer Striking a Balance Between Excessive

Socialising and Total Isolation

Question: Which of the two are better for a person; being secluded or mixing with the people?


Then this is an issue in which the people have disagreed concerning, disagreement being either in its entirety or disagreement of its present state. The reality of the matter is that: mixing is at times obligatory or recommended. The individual may be commanded with mixing with the people on occasions yet on other occasions (commanded) with seclusion. What comprises this is that; in the issue of mixing, if there is found in it co-operation upon righteousness and Taqwaa then it is something that he has been commanded with. And if there is found in it the co-operation of sinfulness and transgression then it is something that he has been prohibited from.

So the mixing with the Muslims in the types of worship such as the five daily prayers and the Friday prayer and the two ‘Eids and the eclipse prayer and the prayer for rain and the like, then that is from that which Allaah and His Messenger have commanded.

Likewise mixing with them during the Hajj and when making military expeditions against the disbelievers and the renegade Khawaarij, even if the leaders be evil-doers, and even if there are in those groups evil-doers.

Likewise in the gatherings in which the servant increases through them in Eemaan, whether it is for his own taking benefit from them or his giving benefit with regards to them and its like.

Yet there are times in which the servant must retire and be secluded, at times of his supplication and his remembrance and his prayer and his contemplation and his reckoning of his self and rectification of his heart. As well as the affairs which are particular to him in which no one else partakes in other than him. So these require for him to be alone – by himself, either: In his home as was mentioned by Tawoos:

‘What an excellent cell/hermitage is the home of a man; he restrains in it his sight and his tongue.’

Or in other than his home.

Thus the choice of absolute mixing/socialising is an error; and the choice of absolute isolation/seclusion is also an error.

As for the degree of what each individual requires from this and that, as well as that which is more beneficial for him in every circumstance;* then this requires its own particular review – as has preceded.


* Wahb bin Munabbih (rahimahullaah) said: 'The believer socialises - in order to know; and is silent - in order to be safeguarded; and speaks - in order to understand; and secludes away - in order to become enriched.'

[See siyar A'laam an-nubalaa vol.4 page 551] (Translators note)

Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah

Majmoo' al-fataawaa Shaikh ul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah vol 10 pages 425-426

Translated by Aboo Haatim Muhammad Farooq

Taken from:

Friday, 26 February 2010

Ahlul Hadeeth vs Ahlul Ahwaa

Ahlul Hadeeth vs Ahlul Ahwaa

It was narrated to us on the authority of Mu-mal that he said: “A Shaykh narrated a Hadeeth to me on the virtues of the Qur-aan, chapter by chapter.”

So I asked him: “Who narrated this Hadeeth to you?”

He said: “A man in Madaa-in narrated it to me, he is alive.”

I traveled to him and asked him: “Who narrated this Hadeeth to you?”

He said: “A Shaykh in Waasit narrated it to me, he is alive.”

So I travelled to him, he said: “A Shaykh in Basrah narrated it to me.”

So I travelled to him, he said: “A Shaykh in Ba’badaan narrated it to me.”

So I travelled to him, he took me by the hand into a house, a group of Sufees were in it, with them was a Shaykh, he [the person who took my hand] said: “It is this Shaykh that narrated it to me.” I said: “O Shaykh, who narrated this Hadeeth to you?”

He responded: “Nobody narrated it to me, but I saw that the people were not interested in the Qur-aan, so I fabricated these Ahaadeeth for them so that it may turn their hearts to the Qur-aan.” [Al ‘Iraaqee in ‘The Explanation of Muqadimat ibn as Salaah’]

[Al ‘Allaamah ‘Abdur Rahmaan al Mu’alimee comments:] This man [i.e. the traveler] must have travelled for about three months in order to verify this one Hadeeth. [‘The knowledge of the Narrators and its Importance.]

Al Bukhaaree narrated in 'At Taareekh al Awsat' on the authority of ‘Umar ibn Subh ibn ‘Imraan at Tameemee who said: “I fabricated a Hadeeth on the Khutbah of the Prophet - صلى الله عليه وسلم.”

Just as Maysarah ibn ‘Abd Rabihi al Faarisee admitted that he fabricated some Ahaadeeth on the virtues of the Qur-aan, and that he fabricated seventy Ahadeeth on the virtues of ‘Alee.

And just as Abu ‘Ismah Nooh ibn Abee Maryam who is known as ‘Nooh al Jaami’’ admitted that he fabricated some Ahaadeeth on the virtues of the Qur-aan, chapter by chapter, on the authority of ibn ‘Abbaas. [The Causes for Fabrication and the Categories of Fabricators]

[As Suyootee in ‘Tadreeb ar Rawee’ comments on a fabricated Hadeeth stating:] “This Hadeeth cannot be fabricated by a Muslim, the person accused of fabricating it is Muhammad ibn Shajjaa’, he was deviant in his religion…”

Shu’bah said concerning him: “I saw him, if he was given a Dirham he would fabricate fifty Ahaadeeth.”

‘Abdullaah ibn Yazeed al Muqree said: “A man from the people of innovations repented from his innovation, he then started saying; ‘Look at who you take Hadeeth from, for indeed if we had an opinion, we would turn it into a Hadeeth.’”

Abu al ‘Abbaas al Qurtubee, the author of ‘al Mufhim Sharh Saheeh Muslim’ stated: “Some of the Fuqahaa of the people of desires permitted that if a ruling is derived from a clear analogy, then it is permissible to attribute it to the Messenger - صلى الله عليه وسلم - verbally saying; the Messenger of Allaah said …!!”

Al Haafidh Abu Ya’laa al Khaleelee stated in ‘Al Irshaad’; “The Raafidah fabricated Ahaadeeth on the virtues of ‘Alee and Ahlul Bayt, about three hundred thousand Ahaadeeth.”

Ibn al Qayyim comments in ‘Al Manaar al Muneef’: “Do not think this is farfetched, for if you research what they have from fabricated Ahaadeeth you would find that it is as he stated.”


[Translators note:] Look, may Allaah preserve you, at the efforts extended by Ahlul Hadeeth in preserving the Sunnah for the Ummah of Muhammad – صلى الله عليه و سلم – in what state would we be in were it not for such efforts. Compare this to the efforts of Ahlut Tasawuf, the Shee’ah and the rest of the people of innovations in fabricating Ahaadeeth into the Sunnah and what state we would be in had the affair been entrusted or left to them.

Translator: Abu Abdul-Waahid, Nadir Ahmad

الحديث - بين أهل الحديث وأهل الأهواء

قال العراقي في شرح مقدمة ابن صلاح

روينا عن مؤمل أنه قال : حدثني شيخ بهذا الحديث - يعني حديث فضائل القرآن سورة سورة - فقلت للشيخ : من حدثك ؟ فقال حدثني رجل بالمدائن وهو حي ، فصرت إليه ، فقلت : من حدثك ؟ فقال : حدثني شيخ بواسط ، وهو حي؛ فصرت إليه ، فقال : حدثني شيخ بالبصرة ، فصرت إليه ، فقال :حدثني شيخ بعبادان ، فصرت إليه، فأخذ بيدي ، فأدخلني بيتا ، فإذا فيه قوم من المتصوفة / و معهم شيخ ، فقال : هذا الشيخ حدثني ، فقلت يا شيخ من حدثك ؟ فقال لم يحدثني أحد ، و لكننا رأينا الناس قد رغبوا عن القرآن ، فوضعنا لهم هذا الحديث ليصرفوا قلوبهم إلى القرآن. لعل هذا الرجل قطع نحو ثلاثة أشهر مسافرا لتحقيق رواية هذا الحديث الواحد.

من كتاب علم الرجال للعلامة المعلمي اليماني ص:5

كما روى البخارى فى التاريخ الأوسط عن عمر بن صبح بن عمران التميمى أنه قال : أنا وضعت خطبة النبى –صلى الله عليه وسلم –

وكما أقر ميسرة بن عبد ربه الفارسى أنه وضع أحاديث فى فضائل القرآن , وأنه وضع فى فضل علىّ سبعين حديثا

وكما أقر أبو عصمة نوح بن أبى مريم الملقب " بنوح الجامع " أنه وضع على ابن عباس أحاديث فى فضائل القرآن سورة سورة .

قال السيوطى فى التدريب

" هذا لايضعه مسلم والمتهم به محمد بن شجاع كان زائغا فى دينه , وفى أبى المهزم

قال شعبة : رأيته لو أُعطى درهما وضع خمسين حديثا " !!

قال عبد الله بن يزيد المقرىء

" إن رجلا من أهل البدع رجع عن بدعته فجعل يقول :انظروا هذا الحديث عمن تأخذونه !! فإنا كنا إذا رأينا رأياً جعلنا له حديثا !!" .

وقال أبو عباس القرطبى صاحب كتاب " المفهم شرح صحيح مسلم

" : " استجاز بعض فقهاء أهل الرأى نسبة الحكم الذى دل عليه القياس الجلى إلى رسول الله- صلى الله عليه وسلم- نسبة قولية فيقولون فى ذلك قال رسول الله –صلى الله عليه وسلم - كذا !! ؛

قال ابن القيم في "المنار المنيف": «ولا تستبعد هذا. فإنك لو تتبعت ما عندهم من ذلك لوجدت الأمر كما قال».‏

المترجم :أبو عبد الواحد نادر أحمد
‎‏قال الحافظ أبو يعلى الخليلي في كتاب "الإرشاد": «وضعت الرافضة في فضائل علي ‏‎ وأهل ‏البيت، نحو ثلاث مئة ألف حديث»

Taken from:

Monday, 22 February 2010

The 20 Most Commonly asked Questions about Islaam

The 20 Most Commonly asked Questions about Islaam


The word "Islam" means peace and submission to the Will of the only God worthy of being worshipped. This peace is contentment with yourself and your surroundings that could only be achieved by willfully submitting to God, obeying what He commands and abstaining from what He forbids.


Allaah is the name in Arabic for the "One God". Allaah is the Creator, Sustainer, Planner and Organizer. He is the only deity that has the right to be worshipped (i.e. praying, supplicating, fasting, etc.). In Islam, the belief in the One God cannot be separated from the acts of worshipping the One God. In other words, it is not enough to simply think you believe in the Oneness of the Creator but that belief must be affirmed by your statement and actions. Example, it would negate ones belief in the Oneness of the Creator if he directs his worship to a man (or any of the other created things).


A Prophet is a person who is appointed by God to call the people to the worship and believe in the One God. All Prophets were given miracles by Allaah to prove that they were Prophets. For example, Moses was given the miracles to free the Children of Israel, Jesus was given the ability to heal the sick and raise the dead by Allaah's’ leave and Muhammad was given the Qur’an which is the everlasting and literal speech of Allaah. May Allaah send His peace and blessings on all the Prophets. Ameen!


The Qur’an is the Last Revelation from your Lord. It was revealed in the pure Arabic language to the Prophet Muhammad and has been kept preserved and unchanged, in its original form. The English interpretation of the Qur’an will be used as reference in this brochure. It is not Allaah's' Word rather, it is a general interpretation of the meaning of the Qur’an. The Qur’an confirms the truth in the Torah, Psalms and the Gospel.


Muhammad is the Final Prophet and Messenger. He was born into the tribe of Quarish in the year 570 AD. His ancestry goes back to the Prophet Ishmael, the son of Prophet Abraham. His father died before his birth and his mother died before he was six. As a young man he was known as Al-Ameen (the trustworthy). He would retreat to a cave outside of Mecca where, he would ponder and reflect about the immoral practices and customs of the Pagan Arabs. He received revelation from the Creator at the age of 40 through the Angel Gabriel. Subsequently, the Revelations came over the period of 23 years and are collectively in the Qur’an.


Islam has 5 Pillars.

1. (Iman) Belief that no deity is worthy of worship except Allaah and Muhammad is His Last Prophet and Messenger.
2. (Salat) Prayers, which are performed 5 times a day.
3. (Siyam) Fasting in the month of Ramadaan. Abstaining from food, drink and sexual relations with spouses from sunrise to sunset.
4. (Zakat) Charity is the requirement of 2.5% of a Muslims' saved earnings given to the poor once a year as purification of his wealth.
5. (Hajj) Pilgrimage is a journey to the Kab'ah in the sacred city of Mecca. Muslims are required to do this at least once in a lifetime if they are physically and financially able.


Belief in Allaah, His Oneness and ascribing no partners to Him.

Belief in the Angels (Gabriel, Michael, Israfil, etc.).

Belief in the revealed scriptures (Torah, Psalms, Gospel) in their original form, not as they exist today.

Belief in Allaah’s Messengers (Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad etc.)

Belief in the Day of Resurrection.

Belief in Pre-Ordainment. The good or bad of it.


One who practices the 5 pillars of Islam and believes in the fundamentals of faith. One can become a Muslim by saying; "Ashadhu An Laa ilaha illa Allaah, wa ashadhu anna Muhammad ar-rasulullah." This means, " I bear witness that no deity has the right to be worshipped except Allaah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Final Messenger." All Prophets preceding Muhammad were Muslims. This includes Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and Jesus. Is there a doubt that these Prophets did not submit their will to the Creator? Allaah says in the Qur’an: " Abraham was neither a Jew or a Christian, but he was a true Muslim and he was not of the idolaters." (Qur’an 3:67) It is important to note that other religions are derived from the name of a place or a person. Examples of this are: Judaism is derived from the tribe of Judah, Hinduism is from the Indus River, Buddhism is from Goutam Buddha and Christianity is from Jesus Christ. Islam is the only revealed religion and way of life that directly attaches its worshippers to the servitude of the Creator.


Yes! As explained in the introduction, Islam means peace through the submission to the Will of Allaah. One who does this is called a Muslim. Therefore, the only thing acceptable to the Creator is submission to Him. Allaah says: "Do they seek other than the Religion of Allaah (Islam)? While to Him submit all other creatures in the heavens and the Earth, willingly or unwillingly. And to Him they shall all be returned. Say, ‘We believe in Allaah and what was sent down to us, and what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob and the tribes, and what was revealed to Moses, Jesus, and the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between them, and to Him (Allaah) we have submitted (in Islam).’ And whosoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the hereafter he will be of the losers (in the hellfire). (Qur’an 3:83-85)


Yes! Allaah says: "Say, 'Shall We tell you the greatest losers in respect of their deeds? Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their deeds. They are those who deny the revelation of their Lord and the meeting with Him (in the Hereafter). So their works are in vain and on the Day of Resurrection, We shall not give them any weight. That shall be their recompense, Hell; because disbelieved and took My revelations and My Messengers by way of jest and mockery. Verily, those who believe (in the Oneness of Allaah-Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds shall have the Garden of Paradise for their entertainment." (Qur’an 18:103-107)


The "Hereafter" is the final destiny of all worldly existence starting at the time of death. The day mankind will be resurrected from their graves then they shall be brought to account for their deeds whether good or evil. Allaah says: "I (Allaah) swear by the Day of Resurrection, and I (Allaah) swear by self-reproaching person. Does Man think that We shall not assemble his bones? Yes, We are able to put together in perfect order the tips of his fingers. Nay! (Man denies Resurrection and Reckoning. So) he desires to continue committing sins. He asks, ‘When will be this Day of Resurrection?’ So, when the sight shall be dazed, and the moon will eclipsed, and the sun and the moon will be joined together. On that day man will say, ‘ Where is the place that I can flee to?' No! There is no refuge! Unto that your Lord (Alone) will be the place of rest that day. On that day men will be informed of what he sent forward ( of evil or good deeds), and what he left behind (of his good or evil practices). Nay! Man will be a witness against himself." (Qur’an 35:1-4)


No! Muslims do not worship Muhammad nor do they worship any other Prophets, Saints, or created things. It is not permissible for a Muslim to pray, supplicate, or direct any type of worship to any created thing in rivalry to the Lord of all that exists. Allaah says: " Say (to them Muhammad), ‘I am only a man like you. It has been inspired to me that your God is One God. So whoever hopes for the Meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner in the Worship of his Lord.' " (Qur’an 18:110)


As we examine Allaah’s creation, we will inevitably conclude that all things have a purpose. If we look at the delicate balance of our universe, as vast as it is, orchestrated in perfect synchronization. The human body and its various different processes like thought, movement, vision and its ability to heal itself. The earth and its countless number of life forms, various plants, vegetables and animals. The weather system, the seasons and the water cycle. Surely, these things have some purpose, more so for human beings. Allaah says: " And We (Allaah) created not the spirits and men, except that they should worship Me (alone)." 51:56 As the verse states in question #8, all things are in a state of submission to the Creator by following the natural laws that they have been created for. We were born in a state of submission, not in a state of sin as we had no choice in the matter and we will die in submission. Between these two time spans, man has been given the rational ability to choose to submit to his Creator. Know for surety that we will all die and none of us knows when we’re going to die. Isn’t it time you submitted to your Lord?


Jesus, the son of Mary is a servant and Messenger of Allaah. Allaah says in the Qur’an that Jesus was born of a miraculous birth; "Verily, the likeness of Jesus before Allaah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said unto him: ‘Be’ and he was." (Qur’an 3:59). He performed many miracles as a Prophet by Allaah’s permission such as resurrecting the dead, healing the blind and sick, making a living bird out of clay and speaking as new born infant. Jesus brought the same message as the other Prophets. He is not to be worshipped as the "Son of God!" Jesus was raised alive up to Allaah from where he will return to re-establish the Law of Allaah on earth.


Your Creator says: "Surely, they have disbelieved who say:

‘Allaah is the Messiah (Jesus).’; But the Messiah said, ‘O Children of Israel! Worship Allaah, my Lord and your Lord.’ Verily, whosoever sets up partners in worship with Allaah, then Allaah has forbidden Paradise for him, and the Fire will be his abode. And for the polytheists there are no helpers. Surely, the disbelievers are those who said, ‘Allaah is a third of the three (in a trinity).’ But there is no god but the One God. And if they cease not from what they say, verily, a painful torment will befall the disbelievers among them. Will they not repent to Allaah and ask for His Forgiveness? For Allaah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful. The Messiah, son of Mary is no more than a Messenger. Many were the Messengers that passed away before him. His mother was a truthful woman. They both used to eat food (As other human beings, while Allaah does not eat). Look how Allaah makes the revelations clear to them, yet look how they are deluded away (from the truth)." (Qur’an 5:72-75)


No. On the contrary, 1400 years ago Islam liberated women. At that time in Europe, Christian scholars were debating whether women had souls, if yes, did they have animal souls or human souls? Until recently women were stripped of their last names to illustrate that they were the property of their husbands. As for Islam, women are equal to men in all acts of piety, they keep their last names, they are allowed to keep their own money, choose who they want to marry, have the right to seek a divorce, have the right to inheritance and have the right to be protected and maintained by their husbands. They have been dignified and exonerated by the Hijab (Islamic covering). In the West, women are portrayed as sex objects to be used and discarded. We see them being used to sell cars, alcohol and even bubble gum. In Islam, women have been elevated to a stature that surpasses the roles placed upon them by any religion or culture. Women are not to be abused or oppressed but they are to be respected and cared for. As a result, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world amongst women.


Yes! Islam regulated matrimony in that men are permitted to marry up to four wives provided they treat them fairly and equally. The man must first be financially capable to take another wife, provide different residences and be able to divide his time equally amongst them. In the western society many men who are married to only one wife usually have extramarital affairs. Thus a survey was published in the USA Today (April 4, 1988; Section D) which asked 4700 mistresses, what would they like their status to be (mistress or second wife). They said, "I prefer being a second wife rather than the other woman". The reasons for this are that they didn’t have any legal rights, nor did they have the financial equality of the legally married wives and it appeared that these men were using them. Islam is clearly against extra or premarital affairs (fornication) as this leads to corruption in the society and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Don’t people feel bad when they have children out of wedlock? These children have the right to grow up knowing that they have parents who are responsible enough to have planned to bring them into the world. No one would like to be told that they were an accident. As for those against polygyny, statistics show that because of wars there are more women in the world than there are men. Other reasons are, most married men engage in extramarital affairs and there is an increase in homosexuality amongst men, thus causing an excess amount of women to men. The Islamic solution of polygyny is the best solution to the seemingly difficult problems that plague our society in our man to woman relationships.


Absolutely Not. Islam condemns all acts of oppression. Necessary force is permissible only when one is defending oneself, family, and right to practice his/her religion or fighting tyranny and oppression. Muslims who blow up buildings and kill innocent people are not acting in accordance with what Islam teaches.


No. Muslims are found in every country, whether they are European, African, Asian or American. 1 in every 5 people on the earth is a Muslim, Which means there are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world. Islam promotes racial harmony and tolerance. Allaah says: " O mankind! We have created you from a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you in the Sight of Allaah is the believer who has the most piety. Verily, Allaah is All Knowing, All Aware." (Qur’an 49:13) This is in opposition to Louis Farrakhan’s disbelieving lies against Islam, in saying that, ‘Allaah appeared in the person of Master W. Fard Muhammad’, or ‘We the original (black) nation of the earth’. The Believers seek refuge with Allaah from such lies against Allaah. Ameen!


Yes! Since the Qur’an came from the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, it is only befitting that science would later confirm what is in the Qur’an. Examples of this are, the expansion of the universe as stated in the Qur’an: "With power did We construct the heaven. Verily, We expand the vastness of space." (Qur’an 51:47) Every living thing is created from water: "Do not those who disbelieve know that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one united piece, then We parted them? And We have made from water every living thing. Will they then not believe?" (Qur’an 21:30) The trimester: "…He (Allaah) created you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation in three veils of darkness, such is Allaah your Lord. How then are you turned away (from the truth)?" (Qur’an 39:7) There are several other examples proving that the Qur’an is from your Lord. Allaah says: "Do they not consider the Qur’an carefully? Had it been from other than Allaah, they would have found therein much contradictions." (Qur’an 4: 82)


Absolutely! If you believe in what you have read in this brochure, we strongly suggest that you don’t delay. You are now accountable for what you know about Islam. For many people Islam has balanced their lives, created a form of discipline, given them respect and dignity and given them peace and tranquility in a society that has been ravaged by mental illnesses, excessive materialism, substance abuse, increase in crime and an all time decline in human morality. Allaah warns us in the Qur’an: " O you who believe! Fear Allaah as He should be feared. And die not except in a state of Islam (as Muslims)."(Qur’an 3:102) If you wish to become a Muslim, refer to question #7 and call us anytime.

We invite you to become a Muslim.


Who are Ahlul Hadeeth?

Who are Ahlul Hadeeth?

So Who Are Ahl ul-Hadith?

Author: Shaikh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee
Source: Makaanat Ahl ul-Hadith (trans. by Bilal Davies, forthcoming SP release)

They are those who proceed upon the way of the Companions and those who followed them in righteousness, in clinging to the Book and the Sunnah, biting onto that with their molar teeth, and letting them (i.e., the Qur'aan and the Sunnah) take precedence over any statement or code and conduct - whether in belief, or acts of worship such as dealings and transactions, mannerisms, politics or social life.

They are those who are firm in regards to the fundamentals of the religion and its subsections, upon that which Allaah sent down and revealed upon his servant and Messenger Muhammad (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam). They are those establishing the call to that with all effort, sincerity and firm will. They are those carrying the knowledge of the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam), expelling from it the distortions of those who have exaggerated (in its regard) and the undue claims of the people of falsehood and the interpretations of the ignorant ones.

They are those who are observant and lie in wait for every group that has deviated from the way of Islaam, like the Jahmees and the Mu'tazilees and the Khawaarij and the Rawaafidh and the Murji'ah and the Qadriyyah and all of those who have deviated from the way of Allaah and have followed their desires in every time and place - they not affected by the reproach of the blamers, in the cause of Allaah

They are the group that the Messenger of Allaah has praised and commended in his saying, "There will not cease to be a group from my Ummah manifest and upon the truth not being harmed by those who forsake them neither by those who oppose them until the hour is established." [1]

They are the Saved Sect firm upon that which the Messenger and his Companions were upon, those who have been distinguished and defined by the Messenger of Allaah when he mentioned that this Ummah shall divide into seventy three sects all going to the Hell-fire except one and it was said, "Who are they, O Messenger of Allaah?" He said, "They are those who are upon that which I and my Comapnions are upon."

And this is not something we say in exageration or a mere claim, but verily we speak a reality that the text of the Qur'aan and the Sunnah bears witness to, which history bears witness to, and to which their (i.e., the Ahlul-Hadeeth's) statements, their state of affairs, their writings and works also bear witness to. They are those who put before their eyes the statement of Allaah: And hold fast, all of you together, to the rope of Allaah. [2] And His statement: And let those who oppose the Messengers commandment beware lest some fitnah befall them or a painful torment be inflicted on them. [3]

They are the most staunch in distancing themselves from opposing the command of the Messenger and the most distant from fitnah. They are those who make their constitution: But no, by your Lord! They can have no faith, until they make you (O Muhammad (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam)) judge in all disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept them with full submission. [4]

They are those who give to the Qur'aan and the Sunnah their true worth and give it the honour and veneration it deserves, giving priority to them over all the statements of mankind, and give precedence to their guidance over the guidance of all the people, and they judge by them in all affairs with complete pleasure, with chests which are expanded and free of restraint or constriction, and they submit to Allaah and His Messenger (with) a complete submission in their 'aqeedah and their worship and their dealings. They are those concerning whom the statement of Allaah holds true: The only saying of the faithful believers when they are called to Allaah and His Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) to judge between them, is that they say, "We hear and we obey," and such are the prosperous ones.[5]

They after all of the Comapanions - and at the head of them the rightly guided Caliphs - are the leaders of the taabi'een and at the head of them: Sa'eed ibn al-Musayyib (d. 90H), 'Urwah ibn Zubair (d. 94H), 'Alee ibn al-Hussain Zain al-'Aabideen (d. 93H), Muhammad ibn Hanafiya (d. 80H), 'Ubaydullaah ibn 'Abdillaah ibn 'Utbah ibn Mas'ood (d. 94H or later), Saleem ibn 'Abdillaah ibn 'Umar (d. 106H), Qaasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abee Bakr as-Sadeeq (d. 106H), al-Hasan al-Basree (d. 110H), Muhammad ibn Sireen (d. 110H), 'Umar ibn 'Abdul-'Azeez (d. 101H) and Muhammad ibn Shihaab az-Zuhree (d. 125H).

Then the Atbaa'at-Taabi'een and at the head of them: Imaam Maalik (d. 179H), al-Awzaa'ee (d. 157H), Sufiyaan ibn Sa'eed ath-Thawree (d. 161H), Sufyaan ibn Uyayna (d. 198H), Ismaa'eel ibn Ubyana (d. 193H), Layth ibn Sa'd (d. 175H) and Aboo Haneefah an-Nu'maan (d. 150H).

Then those who followed them and at the head of them: 'Abdullaah ibn al-Mubaarak (d. 181H), Wakee' ibn al-Jarraah (d. 197H), the Imaam Muhammad ibn Idrees ash-Shaafi'ee (d. 204H), 'Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Mahdee (d. 198H), Yahya ibn Sa'eed al-Qataan (d. 198H) and Afaan ibn Muslim (d. 219H).

Then their students who followed them in this methodology, and at the head of them: the Imaam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. 241H), Yahya ibn Ma'een (d. 233H) and 'Alee ibn al-Madeenee (d. 234H).

Then their students like al-Bukhaaree (d. 256H), Muslim (d. 261H), Abee Haatim (d. 277H), Abee Zara' (Aboo Zur'ah?) (d. 264H), Aboo Daawood (d. 275H), at-Tirmidhee (d. 279H) and an-Nasaa'ee (d. 303H).

Then those who proceeded in their way in the generations that preceded them, like Ibn Jareer (at-Tabaree?) (d. 310H), Ibn Khuzaymah (d. 311H), ad-Daaraqutnee (d. 385H) in his time, al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee (d. 463H) and Ibn 'Abdul-Barr an-Niwaaree (d. 463H).

And 'Abdul-Ghanee al-Maqdasee (d. 620H), Ibn Salaah (d. 643H), Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728H), al-Mizzee (d. 743H), adh-Dhahabee (d. 748H), Ibn Katheer (d. 774H) and their contemporaries who lived in their time and those who came after them, and followed their footsteps in holding on to the Book and the Sunnah up until the present day.
These are who I mean by Ahlul-Hadeeth.

[1] Hadeeth saheeh, collected by Muslim (3/1523), Ahmad (5/278-279), Aboo Dawood (3/4), Tirmidhee (4/420), Ibn Maajah (1/4-5), Haakim (4/449-450), at-Tabaraanee in Mu'jam al-Kabeer (7643) and Aboo Daawood at-Tayaalisi (p. 94, no. 689). Authenticated by al-Albaanee in As-Saheehah (270-1955).

Taken from :

A Forgotten Sunnah: Walking Barefooted

A Forgotten Sunnah: Walking Barefooted

Al-Hasan bin ‘Alee narrated to us, Yazeed bin Haarun narrated to us, Al- Jurayri informed us on Abdillah bin Buraydah: that a man from the Companions of the Prophet -sallahu ‘alayhi wasallam- traveled to Fadaalah bin ‘Ubayd -may Allah be pleased with him- while he was in Egypt. So he arrived at him and said: I have not come to you to visit you. But you and I have heard a hadeeth from the Messenger of Allah -sallahu ‘alayhi wasallam- and I hope that you have some knowledge from Him (the Prophet -sallahu ‘alayhi wasallam-) about it. He said: And what is it? He said: Such and such. (Then) he said: Why do I see you dishoveled while you are the Leader of the land? He said: The Messenger of Allah -sallahu ‘alayhi wasallam- has forbidden us from indulging too much in the comforts of life. He said: Why don’t I see any shoes on you? He said: The Prophet -sallahu ‘alayhi wasallam- used to command us to go barefooted sometimes.

Collected in Abu Daawud (3629) and Sheikh Al-Albaani has authenticated it in As-Silsilah As-Saheehah (502).

Fawaa’id: Sheikh Al-Albaani -may Allah have mercy upon him- says in As-Silsilah As-Saheehah: ….This (hadeeth) is a reminder about an unknown sunnah in the minds of many of the people and it is the sunnah of Walking without shoes -sometimes-. It is a sunnah that many people are ignorant of save a few. And if some would try and implement this the people would see this as a strange affair. Perhaps they would even criticize them for this act of theirs. [Until he said]… So imitate your loved one and your Prophet -sallahu ‘alayhi wasallam- and walk barefooted sometimes and shoed at others….. As this has been authenticated on the Prophet -sallahu ‘alayhi wasallam- that He walked barefooted occasionally! Except that majority of the time He -sallahu ‘alayhi wasallam- was shoed.

Taken from:]

Translator: Abu Fouzaan Qaasim